Jude runs 2 X MODERN YOGA classes weekly at Caerphilly TENNIS CLUB 11am-12pm on SUNDAYS AND THURSDAYS. Cost £6 per class. 

Class places are limited so you need to book your place in classes. To book please text your full name to Jude Mobile: 07508 18438. Jude will then send you further information. 

The classes are taught in stages from easy to hard so you can stop at any stage for your own level. After a dynamic Warm up, we follow with preparation stretches. The classes are taught in stages from easy to hard so you can stop at any stage for your own level. After a dynamic Warm up, we follow with preparation stretches.

Then a controlled sequence of postures (Asanas) are taught that aim to improve both flexibility and strength. Postures are executed in the following order., standing, standing balances, seated, and lying down.

Teaching also includes correct breathing getting in and out of the postures and whilst holding them. During the class the whole body is moved in all directions. Lower and Higher options are taught so everyone is able to join in.

The last 10 minutes there is a lovely guided relaxation for you to enjoy. It doesn’t matter if you are new to Yoga or have years of experience, this class is for you.